Thursday, January 10, 2019

Grade 1- Mouse Moves

We are learning to control our mouse using click, double-click, click and drag, and drag and drop.

Today you will apply mouse vocabulary and control your mouse while playing online games.

ABC & 123 Magnets
Drag and Drop the letters.

Learning Coins
Drag and Drop to sort the coins.

Alphabetical Order
Drag and Drop to put the letters back in order.

Marble Math
Drag and Drop to count marbles.

Click and drag to decorate the house.

Click to count each fish.

Balloon Pop Subtraction
Roll your mouse quickly and click to pop the balloons.

Upper and Lower Case Match
Drag and Drop to match the letters.

Roll over and click to shoot the marbles and find the sum.

Click and drag to create a symmetrical picture.

Alphabet Bubble 

Drag and drop to match the shapes when you play Shapes! on

Can you catch the Gingerbread Man and put his shapes together? Try this activity from Starfall.

Don't forget to RUN FLASH and ALLOW.

Click with our mouse.

Alphabet Match

Drag and drop the Fuzz Bugs. You must complete the pattern.

Click to count the birthday candles.

Drag and drop Alphabetical Order

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